Physiotherapy ICBC Injuries
You’ve suffered injuries from an accident? Our Team of Experts can help you recover. We recommend 3 services to help rehabilitate after a motor vehicle accident: Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy and Active Rehabilitation with a BCAK Practicing Kinesiologist.

Getting Started
- Your claim number is needed to start a physiotherapy and/or massage therapy program. A doctor’s referral may be needed if asked for.
- Call the 3PK administration staff and provide them with your ICBC claim number as well as your BC Personal Health Number; a referral note from your doctor can be brought in at your first visit.
- We will need: adjuster’s name & adjuster’s phone number.
- If you have retained a Lawyer we will need their name, phone number and name of the Paralegal on the file.
- We will then contact your ICBC claims adjuster to confirm your coverage and we will acquire permission to have you start with our our physiotherapist or Registered Massage Therapist.
The next step
Active Rehabilitation with one of our BCAK practicing Kinesiologists will help your body regain strength and endurance. Kinesiologists provide instruction and training along with specific exercises tailored to your injuries that will ensure that you regain postural control and muscle strength. We will focus on the area most affected by your accident while also incorporating full body training, stretching and cardio training into every session.

Getting Started with Active Rehabilitation
- The first step to beginning your program is to obtain a referral note from your doctor, specifically for Active Rehabilitation with a Kinesiologist.
- Once you have a note from your doctor, please call our office and provide our administration staff with your doctor’s note, either via email, fax or just coming by the office.
- Our administration staff will need you to provide them with your: Adjuster’s Name, Adjuster’s Phone Number, ICBC Claim Number, and if you have retained a lawyer we will need their name, phone number and name of the Paralegal on the file.
- We will then contact your ICBC claims adjuster to seek permission to have you assessed by one of our Kinesiologists.
- Once permission is given, one of our helpful staff members will contact you to book the initial appointment.
After the assessment, our Kinesiologist will provide your adjuster and lawyer with our recommendation for the number of sessions and duration of your program. If a report is requested we will compile a report for your adjuster and lawyer outlining our clinical reasoning for our recommendations.
Our Active Rehabilitation Expectations
We expect you to treat your sessions as you would any other appointment with a specialist. You are expected to arrive on time and to remain for the full session. If you need to cancel an appointment, please allow 24 hours notice. If you cancel within 24 hours twice in a row, we are required to contact ICBC to inform them of your reasons for cancelling. ICBC may revoke your program for non-compliance. We would prefer that you reschedule on the same day, if your changes can be accommodated by our clinic. Consistency is the key to your recovery. Attend sessions regularly and you will make progress with your program.

The goal of Active Rehabilitation is not to completely “cure” you in the short time you have with us. ICBC pays for you to learn and correctly experience all the exercises you will need to do on your own. By the end of your program, you will have made some improvements that are measurable, which we will report to the ICBC. You will be expected to continue exercising correctly on your own in order to heal completely.
Rehabilitation Therapy Pricing
**PLEASE NOTE: If you have an open ICBC Claim it is absolutely mandatory that you inform us of this upon booking. If you wish to proceed with a session prior to adjuster approval, you will be responsible for covering the cost of treatments at our regular posted pricing.